Pure Maple Syrup
FREE SHIPPING on orders $69+
Our Pure Maple Syrup comes from a nearly 100 year old farm in New York. Tree Juice Maple Syrup™ is made in the Catskills Mountains in New York, the Fairbairn family have owned and operated this 100+ acre farm since the 1930’s.
In 2012, Jake, Ryan and Jenny resurrected the family’s sugar shack, and began making the best New York Craft Maple Syrup under the name Tree Juice Maple Syrup™.
Around 8500 maple trees on the farm are tapped each year. The sap is then boiled over a traditional wood-fired evaporator which turns it into our sweet stuff!
We follow international grading standards, which were introduced to clarify confusion about maple syrup being called Garde A or Grade B. Customers thought that Grade B meant a lesser product, but it actually just describes its flavor profile (like red wine, do you prefer Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot? they are both red wines, but with very different flavor profiles)
We offer all four different grades (subject to availability).

1) GOLDEN - Delicate Taste
2) AMBER - Rich Taste
3) DARK - Robust Taste (our most popular!)
4) VERY DARK - Strong Taste (formerly known as Grade B)

All Natural, Non GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Paleo.
INGREDIENTS: 100% Pure Maple Syrup